Statement by the National Deputy Secretary
At the beginning of the education year, the UDM is concerned about the administration and running of the Department of Education in support of Education as a whole. Five years since the ANC took over government and still there are not enough books and stationery for schools. Despite promises by President Mandela personally that pupils will be able to begin this year without the necessary textbooks.
The UDM believes that education forms the basis from which the future of South Africa would be build. In order to achieve effective education that would empower South Africans with the necessary skills, a partnership between government, the learner, teachers, parents and the community is needed. Education requires commitment from all of these role players, each playing a vital roll in determining the success of the education year.
The UDM urges government to fulfill its part in the education partnership. Government is responsible for the moral of the teachers, for the delivery of the necessary textbooks, stationery and the administration of the department. This creates the environment in which education takes place and in the past years we have seen that government failed in providing this much needed environment for education.
Learners have demonstrated that they can perform well under the most difficult of circumstances. Education is a privilege and comes with a certain responsibility. Make use of the opportunity provided and lay the groundwork for a better future.