statement by National Secretary

The UDM has learned with shock about the closure of the Richmond Police Station and the redeployment of the personnel of the station.

The UDM finds it strange that these police officers were accused by the Minister of Safety and Security, Sidney Mufamadi, of involvement in the happenings in Richmond. When these police officers then call for evidence to these allegations, they are being redeployed. They are now redeployed and expected to continue to do their work with allegations of involvement in Richmond violence still surrounding them.

To the UDM, this appears yet another attempt by President Mandela and the ANC government to manipulate the security forces and use them as political tools. The UDM would like to know whether the newly deployed police officers were former MK members. We doubt also whether the provincial government of KwaZulu-Natal was consulted on this move.

The UDM as a peaceful organization working towards true multi-party democracy reiterates our call for an Independent Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the violence in Richmond and other parts of KwaZulu-Natal.