ADDRESS BY Mr BH Holomisa MP in the National Assembly


Fellow South Africans


The fact is, the Constitutional Court has found Mr Zuma and the National Assembly to have failed to uphold, defend and respect the Constitution.

Today South Africa finds itself with two organs of state that have lost the moral authority to be representatives of the people of South Africa.

Mr Zuma’s unlawful actions, have sunk the Executive, the National Assembly, the nation and his political party and have put the country is at crossroads.

The responses from Mr Zuma and Ms Mbete together with their accomplices to this constitutional crisis, have displayed a serious contempt of court.

The key question that faces the nation is – what is to be done?

The United Democratic Movement recommends that:

1.    South Africans from all sectors of society should urgently meet and reclaim their freedom by developing and adopting a Programme of Action which will, amongst others, include.

1.1.        An immediate resignation of Mr Zuma – failing which the citizens must cause him to be criminally charged;

1.2.        An immediate dissolution of parliament;

1.3.        An immediate establishment of an Interim National Government;

1.4.        The reform of the Electoral Act;

1.5.        A fair and transparent party funding legislation; and

1.6.        The holding of National General Elections within six to eighteen month time;

Consultation with the citizens must produce an electoral system that creates:

1.    A balance between the constituency and proportional elected representation systems;

2.    A direct election of the State President by the electorate;

3.    A vetting of candidates for cabinet positions;

4.    An appointment of an independent Speaker of Parliament from outside of party politics.

Let the voice of the people be heard.

I thank you