Ms Thandi Nontenja
UDEMWO Secretary General

The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) welcomes the fifteen-year jail sentence given to Sipho Ndlovu, popularly known as Brickz in the music entertainment business. This outcome gives hope that no rapist, not even a male celebrity, is above law.

It is also good that the justice system made an example of him; for he had been a role model for young male fans, who might have thought it “cool” to emulate his behaviour. Raping a woman or a girl-child is not acceptable by any standard. It is a vicious, immoral crime.

UDEMWO again calls for greater punitive measures against those men and boys who victimise women and children. Although fifteen years may seem like a long time, punishing Sipho Ndlovu can however never undo what he did to his teenage niece, but at least society has said: “No, we will not tolerate this behaviour and have been punished for breaking the law”.

Nothing can ever take away the pain she felt and continues to feel; even after the ordeal. We commend her for staying strong and speaking out; especially since her rapist had been a family member.

We urge women and girl-children to come forward and report abuse. We hope that the justice system will continue to deal with such lawbreakers effectively and never-ever be lenient.

Issued by:
Ms Thandi Nontenja
UDEMWO Secretary General