Mr Dan Plato
Western Cape Minister of Community Safety
35 Wales Street
5th Floor
Cape Town

Dear Mr Plato

UDEMWO calls for quick intervention on crimes against the women and children on the Cape Flats

The unabated incidents of rape and murders, on the Cape Flats, targeted at women and children caught our attention. Since the beginning of the year, several women and children have fallen victim to such crimes and we are worried that not enough is being done to eradicate this phenomenon. Gang related violence, drug and alcohol abuse seem to be endemic to these areas.

The situation is out of control with the City of Cape Town Metro Police reportedly saying that teams will only enter ‘red zones’ in large numbers to avoid potential threats and attacks from residents. There is obviously a challenge with the affected communities not trusting the police and this must be addressed without further delay.

The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation, would like to know what drastic interventions, if any, you and your department are taking to deal with the problem. It cannot be that we fold our arms while these terrible crimes continue; something must be done to restore dignity to these citizens and heal the ills in this society.

We urge that you and all the involved stakeholders to come up with strategy that will see to the safety and protection of the vulnerable.

In the meantime, we welcome the arrest of the four suspects in the horrendous murder of four-year-old Iyapha Yamile in Khayelitsha over the long weekend. May justice be swift.

Yours in Nation building

Ms Thandi Nontenja
UDEMWO Secretary General