Address by Bantu Holomisa, MP
Madam Speaker, Deputy President and hon members
Two weeks ago, the president misled the nation, during the NCOP question session when he claimed that he was never given an opportunity to present his side of the story to the Public Protector. We now know with evidence in our hands that this is contrary to the facts as they are also confirmed by the audio version of the report.
In normal democracies, this is an act of perjury and punishable through impeachment.
Many South Africans have long lost confidence in the leadership of this monumentally flawed president. We also heard, from amongst others, the mouth of the ANC Chief Whip, that many branches of his party have also lost confidence in his leadership and are calling for his removal.
President Zuma, the ANC and the world over, must know that South Africans reject to be led by an irreparably damaged leader.
However, the ruling clique on this side of the house, is behaving like wolves, screaming in unison, to defend one of theirs at the expense of the country. They are showing South Africans a middle finger.
Another confusion is being made by the party Secretary General, who on the one hand calls for his leader to follow his conscience yet his party members in this house are blocked from thinking. It begs a question, how many and to what extent are the apex leaders of the ANC are contaminated by the actions of their flawed leader.
This crisis is only equal to the collective conscience of all the citizens.
In this regard, UDM calls on all citizens, irrespective of their political persuasions, not to abdicate their historic and fundamental civic responsibilities. We must find a common point of convergence to defend our hard won democracy.
The remaining months to 2019 must be about re-claiming our collective freedoms, and I dare say, there is a lot to be done.
We support the motion.
I thank you