With 2022 firmly in the rear-view mirror, let us begin 2023 with the commitment to make our democracy and freedom a reality. Accordingly, the United Democratic Movement (UDM) will continue to make South Africa and its people a priority. Amongst others, we shall do everything possible to ensure that our country is provided with the leadership it yearns for and deserves.

The critical challenge of addressing poverty, inequality, unemployment and the inherent cancer of corruption, shall remain high on our agenda. Our efforts to fight these scourges are important in order to raise the floor of prosperity and it must go hand-in-hand with democracy and freedom.

The robust and open debate in our National Assembly enhances accountability and responsiveness, as well as the health of our multi-party democracy. Accordingly, the UDM shall continue making sure that this centre of power conducts its constitutional mandate in accordance with the prescripts of the law and the relevant rules and regulations.

May this be a year where there is a closer co-operation amongst the law enforcement agencies to deal with lawlessness and corruption in South Africa.

It is our hope that each and every South African shall have a blessed and prosperous New Year.

Statement by:
Mr Bantu Holomisa
UDM President