Statement issued by UDM Secretary General, Mr Bongani Msomi
Eastern Cape is one of the worst struggling provinces with severe challenges such as poor infrastructure. It is with great sadness that we observe those who are in power abusing resources meant for uplifting the poor.
The United Democratic Movement (UDM) is however happy to note that action has been taken against those who allegedly stole from the state purse. The recent court appearance of the former Amathole district municipality mayor Nomasikizi Konza, as well as Buffalo City Metro mayor Zukiswa Ncitha with their co-accused, bodes well.
It gives us hope as a country that the Hawks have finally woken up to smell the coffee and are doing their job. We hope to see a maximum punishment being meted out to all found guilty.
The leadership of the ruling party seems to be in denial while the state is being looted. It is high time that they own up to the widespread corruption within the ranks of their political deployees and officials.