REFERENCE ARTICLES: Reference articles

• Mining Minister’s Gupta Trip
• Name: Van Rooyen’s two Gupta ‘advisers’ who almost hijacked SA Treasury
• Duarte denies abuse of office
• Why the Gupta family’s alleged deal with Denel is dubious
• Denel and Gupta venture ‘illegal’
• Gupta-Zuma Firm gets 10th of Richards Bay Coal Export Rights
• Nuclear energy: Gupta’ power play (Shive Uranium)

Dear Honourable Speaker


The widely reported proximity between our head of state and the Gupta Family has reached unprecedented proportions and therefore demands an immediate intervention by an appropriate national legislative body.

The reported transactions, some of which are attached, exposes that critical and strategic industries are targeted for influence and capture by this family and its associates, chiefly amongst others being the son of the President.

Further disturbing reports are that, the cabinet seem to have been co-opted to an extent that they are obliged to be paraded during breakfast shows of SABC 2, organised by the New Age of the same family. These breakfast shows are directly funded by State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) yet our public broadcaster (SABC) gets zero and all the millions go to the Gupta family.

The capture and control of the cabinet by this family has since gone beyond the breakfast shows, today the nation knows that, recently, the Minister of Mineral Resources accompanied this family to Switzerland to help snatch yet another coal mining deal.

Already, some of the members of the cabinet are publicly undermined and embarrassed; as witnessed in the recent illegal joint venture with a State Owned Enterprise, Denel without the knowledge of the minister and compliance with the relevant regulatory framework, (PFMA) of our country.

We are now told that the same family is snatching another coal exports rights through Richards Bay Coal Terminal. Once again, a direct family member of the President is part of this, we read.

During the turmoil in our National Treasury caused by an abrupt and most devastating decision to unceremoniously remove a performing minister; the one-week minister came carrying as his hand bag, two so-called advisers, with highly questionable academic qualification, and not only allegedly linked to the same family, but one being a son in law of the Deputy Secretary General of the ruling party.

These disturbing reports are a source of discomfort and threat to the already devastated economy of the country. They further undermine, the confidence of both local and outside investors.

There is no reasonable and mindful business person who would be encouraged to invest his or her wealth in a country whose economy is run by a family.

In this regard, the United Democratic Movement, request the Office of the Speaker to direct the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence to conduct hearings based on amongst others, these serious reports and allegations which are already undermining our economy and the country’s security.

Kindly find attached reference articles listed above.

Kindly advise

Mr. Bantu Holomisa, MP
President of the United Democratic Movement