Statement issued by UDM President Bantu Holomisa
The United Democratic Movement expects the President to outline:
How is the government going to bring concrete and realistic solutions to our economic woes: Instead of the consumptive policies that the current leadership is obsessed with characterised by targeted corrupt consumption like in the case of pension fund in which Nedlac failed to play its role.
It would be a bold and positive stance if the President was to announce the appointment of a steering committee to prepare framework for an inclusive Economic Indaba, which would among others, come up with a comprehensive and implementable plan with time frames to take our economy forward.
High on the agenda of the Inclusive Economic Indaba would be the issue of land, role of the state, business and labour in addressing the triple challenges facing the country, being unemployment, inequality and poverty.
The SONA must also provide an answer to the questions:
• How can we make sure that we invest on the majority citizens of this country as opposed the so – called BEE deployees who have no control and ownership of the economy;
• How do we deal with tensions between labour, government and business; and
• How do we extricate ourselves from the tinge of corruption, sadly perpetrated by country’s leadership.