Motion without Notice in the National Assembly by CN Majeke, MP
Subject: Toddler Dies In Drain

I move without notice on behalf of the Chief Whip of the United Democratic Movement (UDM): that the house:
(1) notes that on Saturday, 13 September of 2014, a toddler in Uitenhage died after falling into an uncovered storm water drain;

(2) further notes that the residents in the community are reported to have frequently complained to the municipality that the storm water drain was a safety hazard, until the 17-month-old Joslynn Olifant drowned in it;

(3) extends our deepest condolences to Joslynn Olifant’s family; and

(4) calls on the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs to investigate the circumstances leading to the untimely death of the toddler, and ensure that appropriate remedial action is taken.

I thank you