Mr Bongani Msomi

Mr Bongani Msomi
UDM Secretary General

The United Democratic Movement has been following with interest the proceedings of the State Capture Commission chaired by the Deputy Chief Justice, Raymond Zondo. The most startling revelations made so far is more about how taxpayers’ money was milked to unlawfully benefit the few from and the ruling party-the ANC. The ANC alone has been implicated several times by a number of witnesses who have appeared before the Commission.


Those who listened to testimony of Agrizzi will attest to what the UDM is saying that most persons who were beneficiaries of Bosasa underhand deals were mostly leaders of the ANC or persons somehow connected to it. The nation has heard about huge sums of money that were given and received by Dr Zwelini Mkhize on behalf of the ANC at the time when he was the National Treasurer of the ruling party. These nefarious funding have been used by ANC on its campaigns to win elections held since the inception of democracy in the Republic of South Africa. This is not fair to other political parties which are constituted by the same taxpayers who have been defrauded and robbed during broad daylight.


The UDM is once more vindicated on its position of vehemently opposing the cadre-deployment orchestrated by the ANC. The UDM has been so vociferous against this practice because as it was clear from the beginning that it was meant to undermine integrity, dignity and prosperity of the citizens of RSA.


The UDM is making a clarion call to the ANC that it must do right thing and set an example for all its members and leaders who are implicated on siphoning taxpayers’ money by paying back all the monies that ended up in its coffers unduly. This is the right time as the economy of the country has been battered by Covid-19 pandemic. These monies are more needed than ever before. It cannot be business as usual.


Those implicated people must also serve their time behind bars- sending out the message that crime does not pay!


Issued by:

Mr Bongani Msomi

UDM Secretary General