Mr Mncedisi Filtane, MP

Mr Mncedisi Filtane, MP and UDM Deputy-Chairperson

Address by Mr ML Filtane, MP in the National Assembly

Honourable Chairperson and members

It is up to the citizens of South Africa to claim their entitlement to accountable government in which, constitutionally guaranteed human and other rights are upheld. The constitution alone, however sounds it is, is insufficient, unless it is fully applied in the daily lives of all of the people and the state institutions.

The continued high unemployment rate, poverty and underdevelopment, demands that the more than 1.2 million men and women in the public service must double the effort in their daily responsibilities intended to create a better life for the people of the South Africa.

Governance is about the implementation of laws and the actual provisions of services. Public Service and Administration programme actions should contribute towards an enhanced quality of life for all.

At the root of many of the problems facing country at present, in particular that which relates to governance, is a lack of appreciation of the difference between party and state.
The governing party’s cadre deployment policy is adversely affecting public service.

Evidence is that the ANC cadre deployment strategy systematically places loyalty ahead of merit and competence. Therefore, it its own serious obstacle to efficient public service. Politically and factionally connected incompetent individuals are often deployed to public positions. This results in a demoralised public service.

Incompetent and unqualified people are unable to deliver services efficiently and effectively. Competency and ethical standards are critical for an effective and efficient public service.

In order to realise the public administration provided, read in section 195 of the Constitution, that renders services to all people in a manner which is impartial, fair, equitable and without bias, we need, amongst others:

• To run public service as a professional state service; and
• An integrated and seamless single public service across all the three spheres of government.
A democratic public service must uphold values of honesty; integrity and non-partisanship; prudence in the use of taxpayers’ money. There must be faithfulness to the principles of fairness, impartiality and professionalism whilst carrying out their duties; with respect for the government of the day and most importantly – PUTTING THE CITIZENS FIRST.

The ruling party has taken similar or same resolutions in many of its decision-making bodies, but, implementation, DOLOLO! There is no implementation because PATRONAGE and the ANC is in the same WhatsApp group. The governing party cannot operate without patronage and patronage is an antithesis of patriotism. So, with patronage, the people of South Africa will never be at the apex of the governing party programmes. That will only remain a paper commitment.

Thank you