Vision and Mission: UDM

Vision and Mission: UDM2017-09-28T16:55:37+02:00



We are the political home of all South Africans, united in the spirit of South Africanism by our common passion for our Country, mobilising the creative power inherent in our rich diversity, towards our transformation into a Winning Nation.


We will unite South Africans from all communities in a new political home, built on the foundation of the principles and ideals of our National Constitution. To this end we will address poverty and imbalances in our society, inspired by our unifying love of our Country and its people. We will set free the creative power inherent in our diversity and will co-operate with all stake-holders to ensure a quality life and individual freedom for every citizen, based on good governance and civil order, towards being a Winning Nation.

Recent Posts

The conundrum of Cele’s “hard-core” reaction to “hard-core” criminals

Statement by Yongama Zigebe, UDM Secretary General With the Marianhill deadly gun-battle between police and suspected criminals fresh in our memories, the United Democratic Movement (UDM) has noted what Minister of Police Bheki Cele [...]

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Mapisa-Nqakula should have presented herself to the police from Day 1

Statement by Bantu Holomisa, UDM President The United Democratic Movement (UDM) has noted that the former Speaker of the National Assembly, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, has at last handed herself over to police at the Lyttelton [...]

April 4th, 2024|2024 Archive, Bantu Holomisa, Corruption and clean governance, Defence, Mapisa-Nqakula, Media statements: UDM|Comments Off on Mapisa-Nqakula should have presented herself to the police from Day 1

Women drowning in debt: Come 29 May, government must do more for South African women

United Democratic Women's Organisation In the 30 years since the dawn of our true democracy, South Africa has witnessed some political transformation and systemic changes. However, the journey towards social and economic transformation [...]

April 3rd, 2024|2024 Archive, Media statements: UDEMWO, Thandi Nontenja, Women's Issues|Comments Off on Women drowning in debt: Come 29 May, government must do more for South African women

Cost-of-living crisis looming for South Africa? 30 years of ANC economic mismanagement is the cause

Statement by Nqabayomzi Kwankwa, UDM Deputy President and Chief Whip In February this year National Treasury said that household consumption remained under significant pressure with little or no relief in the short term. This is [...]

April 3rd, 2024|2024 Archive, Economy, Media statements: UDM, Nqabayomzi Kwankwa, Treasury|Comments Off on Cost-of-living crisis looming for South Africa? 30 years of ANC economic mismanagement is the cause



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