The United Democratic Movement (UDM) welcomes the publication of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into State Capture Report: Part 1 Vol. 1: South African Airways and its Associated Companies.
We also welcome the Zondo Commission’s findings and recommendations, yet we are doubtful that government will follow through on their implementation; especially where it concerns the ruling party’s culpability in terms of the party and/or its members benefitting from government tenders. The money trail must be followed, and every cent returned to the people’s coffers. National Treasury should ringfence the monies retrieved from these dubious tenders so that this may be reinvested to address the backlogs and imbalances of the past in projects primarily aimed at housing and water provision for our people.
The UDM is of the view that Parliament should play an active oversight role, possibly per the guidance of an ad hoc committee, to ensure that the work of the Zondo Commission does not fall by the wayside as time goes by.
The UDM also would like to recommend that the Mpati Commission’s findings and recommendations be treated in the same manner.
Furthermore, the expertise of the Commissions’ investigators and evidence leaders should not be lost. They did a sterling job, and their invaluable first-hand knowledge of the material should be indispensable for any future actions and/or prosecutions.
Issued by Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP
President of the United Democratic Movement