Media Statement by Mr Nqabayomzi Kwankwa, MP and UDM Deputy President and Chief Whip

At a Prayer Day in Gqeberha, today, United Democratic Movement (UDM) President Bantu Holomisa announced that he, in principle, has agreed to avail himself to be the UDM’s candidate for the Eastern Cape premier.

In the months running up to these forthcoming elections, he had been pressurised by countless times by various traditional leaders, religious groupings and civil society organisations and many individuals asking him to consider candidacy. This had also been a desire of the UDM’s structures in the Eastern Cape.

If the UDM does well on 29 May in the Eastern Cape, Election Day, the UDM will arrange that the Independent Electoral Commission changes the UDM’s candidates’ list in the allowed window period after elections.

However, being the national leader of a party, he will campaign in all provinces, but focus more of his time and efforts in the Eastern Cape.

Should this change succeed, I will as Mr Holomisa’s Deputy will have to step up to the plate and be the de facto President of the Party whilst President Holomisa assists in governing the Easten Cape.