The United Democratic Movement (UDM) welcomes the recent ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the Israel-Palestine conflict as a significant stride towards justice, human rights, and freedom in the region.

ICJ ruled that there must be:

1. Cessation of Attacks on Palestinians: Israel is directed to immediately cease all attacks on Palestinians, fostering an atmosphere conducive to peace and stability.

2. Termination of Incitement Against Palestinians as a Group: The ICJ underscores the imperative for Israel to halt any form of incitement against Palestinians, promoting tolerance and understanding among diverse communities.

3. Ensuring Humanitarian Aid: The ruling emphasizes the necessity for Israel to facilitate the unimpeded flow of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian territories, addressing the urgent needs of the affected population.

4. Preservation of Evidence: Israel is instructed to preserve all relevant evidence related to the conflict, ensuring transparency and accountability for past actions.

5. Submission of Response Within One Month: The ICJ mandates Israel to submit a comprehensive response to the court within one month, reflecting commitment to the principles of international law and cooperation.

The UDM, in light of this ruling, calls for peace negotiations between the two countries. We advocate for a diplomatic approach that fosters peace and cooperation without further bloodshed and egregious human loss. It is our sincere hope that both parties engage in constructive dialogue to reach a lasting resolution for the benefit of all inhabitants in the region.

Issued by:
Mr Yongama Zigebe
UDM General Secretary