The United Democratic Movement (UDM) has noted that Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has said that he found most of the corruption in South Africa stemmed from the area of public procurement and that if the Directorate of Special Operations (the Scorpions), were not disbanded, there would not be such high levels of corruption in the country.

The UDM had been vocal in the past about the illogical disbandment of the Scorpions and echoes Chief Justice Zondo’s sentiments.

We had in the past stated that the ruling party had a vested interest in closing down the Scorpions and we have been vindicated given the years’ long raiding of the public purse perpetrated by the #ComradesInCorruption. The vast amounts of moneys stolen from the public purse should have been spent on the development of this nation and is now lost to history.

The noise of demonising and discrediting the Scorpions was started by, among others, the late Brett Kebble who had had his own problems with the laws of this country. Today everybody knows that he bankrolled the ruling party and its youth leadership in order to influence them to close down this unit. The findings of the Zondo Commission further strengthen this logic.

It had been the UDM’s contention that the decision to pursue legislation disbanding the Scorpions was not made by any organ of state, but by the ruling party in an effort to protect its members from investigation and prosecution for alleged transgressions.

Most recently we have heard disturbing allegations of corruption involving the leadership of the ruling party in bribes around the Unemployment Insurance Fund. We call on President Cyril Ramaphosa, to act, as he is far too quiet given that he is the chief executive officer of government.

The UDM believes that the Directorate of Special Operations should be reinstated, post haste, to address high levels of corruption in government.

Issued by:
Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP
UDM President