UDM condemns human waste in protests in the Western Cape – Member’s Statement in Parliament, by Mr SZ Ntapane, MP (UDM Chief Whip) on 6 June 2013

The United Democratic Movement (UDM) condemns the ANC Youth League’s (ANCYL’s) use of human waste in protest for portable loos in the Western Cape. Whatever the concerns, nothing justifies stooping to such a low level.

The UDM has for many years warned the public about ruling party’s use of the principle of ungovernability and anarchy in areas where it is not in power. And this is exactly what is happening now in the Western Cape Province.

We have also warned the Democratic Alliance (DA) Provincial Government on numerous occasions about the dangers of failing to meaningfully consult communities that are affected by its boardroom decisions.

The UDM calls on the ruling party’s mother-body to rein in its recalcitrant youth that is using innocent people as pawns in their efforts to make the Province ungovernable.
We also call on the DA government to meaningfully engage township communities on its portable loos and other Provincial Government policies affecting them.