Statement issued by Mr Bongani Msomi – UDM Secretary General

The United Democratic Movement (UDM) is concerned by the on-going gangsterism feuds that continue claiming lives of the innocent members of the community in the Cape Flats. We have been calling upon the Western Cape government to make swift interventions into this.

The past weekend, residents in Marikana informal settlement have witnessed yet again another massacre when more 10 people were murdered in gang related shootings. We do not understand why the City of Cape Town is dragging its feet into this matter. The residents live in fear as their fate is in the hands of gangsters.

How many lives must be lost before the government of the Western Cape led by Democratic Alliance realise that the situation has gotten out of hand. One wonders whether the delay for decisive action is because the victims are only blacks.

UDM has previously raised concerns and questioned the strategy of the Safety and Security Cluster in the Western Cape. We are once again calling for the Safety and Security MEC, Dan Plato to do something effective that will stamp out gangsterism in that part of the country. Law abiding citizens are kept as prisoners in their homes.
