Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP UDM President

Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP
UDM President

Honourable Deputy Speaker, Honourable President and Honourable Members

United Democratic Movement (UDM) supports budget vote 1.

Mr President you continue to make bold statements on the economic front. The recent appointment of your special envoy on investments is encouraging. We hope that the instability, that has the ruling party at the centre, will not undermine the work of these envoys. We also need to communicate a clear message that South Africa is working hard to be an investment destination of choice.

Investments in our economy must be able to create jobs for the majority of young people who constitute the large section of the 26.7% of the unemployed South Africans.

In the absence of much needed improvement on the governance front, the apparent delays on the commencement of the state capture inquiry note the business and consumer confidence will remain pessimistic.

Accordingly, this administration must go beyond changing board members of the various State-Owned Entities (SOEs), but ensure sector leading qualitative and efficient productivity, through the appointment of qualified and competent administrators.

In the same vein, let the State Capture Commission begin with its work. Yes, to see who has been misusing state funds to line their party or private pockets.

South Africa needs a significantly improved fiscal base, accelerated inclusive economic growth, with a sharp decline in wasteful and fruitless expenditure, that will also contribute to the reduction of the budget deficit. Wastage which happens across the different spheres of government and in other public institutions, must be eliminated. However, these measures must not compromise the security of the country.

We want you to do more to bring an end to violent protests that have occupied our streets, day-in day-out. Our law enforcement agencies, including the intelligence, must help you put an end to the increasing cash in transit heists, the burning of trucks, and all other forms of crime and lawlessness. We agree, with you, that so-called political killings are crimes and must be dealt with accordingly. Political killings are a blatant attack on the very democracy and constitution, that many so rightly fought for.

As chairperson of Southern African Development Community (SADC), you are best placed to understand the conflicts internally and externally in many African regions. We call for the revitalisation of peace programmes that were started in the Mandela administration.

South Africa cannot be expected to deploy its armed forces to, maintain stability, without progressive peace negotiations running parallel. The presence of South African armed forces must be a temporary measure, with the ultimate goal of promoting peace in the continent, not to protect corrupt regimes.

Currently South Africa plays host to political refugees, who are being harassed by some of the governments which they are seeking refuge from. There are cases whereby these refugees are being assassinated within South African borders thereby threatening the security of our country.

Ensuring peace in other African countries may lead to many refugees wanting to return to their homes and develop their states to become prosperous whilst also reducing the financial burden for deploying our troops.

Thank you