Statement by Bantu Holomisa, UDM President

Now that we know the date of the coming National and Provincial elections, we have to focus on one other overriding truth:

The power of the people is greater than the people in power.

Think about that. You, your relatives, friends, and associates — not the ANC — now have the right to shape the next government of South Africa. If you have been unhappy with how the ANC has dealt with constant power outages, unending corruption, the lack of jobs, the high cost of food, the jolting increase in crime over the last five years, then use 29 May to bring some fresh ideas to Government decision-making.

Give the United Democratic Movement and its balanced approach to the needs of all the citizens of the Nation serious consideration among the parties ready to work with the ANC to move South Africa forward.

Statement by:
Mr Bantu Holomisa
President of the United Democratic Movement and Member of Parliament