Statement by Mlindeni Sibango, UDM Spokesperson on Safety, Security and Defence

The United Democratic Movement (UDM) condemns in the strongest terms two recent incidents where South African communities resorted to brutal acts of violence against alleged criminals, including beatings, torture, and setting them alight. Such actions are completely unacceptable, and it is imperative that the South African Police Services (SAPS) take immediate action.

In one incident near Peddie in the Eastern Cape, five men were brutally beaten, hacked, and burned to death after being accused of cattle theft. Community members in the Peddie area, in the Eastern Cape, expressed frustration with perceived inadequate police efforts to combat stock theft, leading some to resort to vigilantism out of desperation. There are concerns that some police officers may be colluding with the thieves, exacerbating the problem. It is crucial to recognise that rural communities rely heavily on their livestock for wealth and food security.

Similarly, in Manavhela village in the Vuwani area of Limpopo, a suspected criminal was burnt to death by a mob after allegedly raping two women, one of whom was killed. While gender-based violence is a serious issue in society, vigilantism cannot be condoned as a solution.

The South African public is understandably fed up with the pervasive criminality that plagues their communities, including theft, rape, and murder. However, resorting to extreme acts of violence is not the answer.

The UDM urges Police Minister Bheki Cele to address the failures within his department, as the lack of safety and security in the country not only endangers citizens but also deters tourists and investors, leading to economic repercussions.

The UDM believes it is necessary to create a civil order system, with the necessary resources and support, recognising that merely addressing a single link in the system (for example police or correctional services or justice) is not good enough, as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

There must be enhanced coordination between the ministries of justice, police, correctional services, defence and national intelligence. The UDM is of the view that it is necessary to establish a Crime Prevention Ministry to bring these departments under one umbrella. In order to achieve the goal of a safe society specific objectives and deadlines will be set for these departments.

SAPS must actively encourage communities to participate in the eradication of crime through, for instance, the establishment of properly resourced neighbourhood watches is of importance.

The police will surely improve by ensuring that it has Training, Structural and Technology Capacity to effectively deal with unacceptable levels of criminal acts in the country (e.g. the establishment of SAPS Crime Busting Units).

We call on the South African public not to take the law into their own hands, no matter the temptation to do so. Rather, citizens should cooperate with the police and report suspected criminals. Engaging in vigilantism may lead to arrest and prosecution, exacerbating the problem further.

Issued by:
Major General (Ret) Mlindeni Sibango
UDM Spokesperson on Safety, Security and Defence