Statement by Bantu Holomisa, UDM President

It struck us this morning why the government is good at certain tasks, terrible at others. Take stopping the amount of purified water that is leaking from South African pipes. The Maverick reports that it calculates that at ” a national level, the government’s most recent water balance sheet puts non-revenue water losses at 47.4%, with pipe leaks calculated at 40.8%.

If they know this so precisely how much is going down the drain unused and unpaid for, how hard would it be to install a few washers, swap out the damaged pipes for some new ones, and repair the valves that are causing the leaks? Could it be that the African National Congress leadership hasn’t yet identified enough crooked plumbers willing to share their government contracts with the right government officials to get the work done?

Shouldn’t South Africans be smart this election day and give themselves reliable, honest and responsible government capable of fixing what’s broken without expecting an extra tip for just doing its job? The United Democratic Movement is right party to vote for if that is what you are looking for.

Statement issued by:
Mr Bantu Holomisa
President of the United Democratic Movement and Member of Parliament