As we commemorate three decades of democratic governance, it is impossible to ignore the prevailing turmoil that has engulfed South Africa. A landscape marred by turmoil, rampant corruption, and escalating crime paints a distressing picture of our nation’s trajectory. The pervasive culture of maladministration and heedless squandering of public resources epitomizes the dire state of affairs, with unscrupulous individuals shamelessly exploiting the corridors of power to the detriment of the populace.
The impending elections herald a moment of reckoning for South Africa, offering its citizens a rare chance to break free from the stranglehold of a ruling elite that has become disconnected from the very essence of democracy. It represents an unparalleled opportunity to embark on an ambitious endeavor to reconstruct the fabric of our society, placing the welfare of our nation at the forefront of our collective endeavors.
At this historic crossroads, South Africans wield the power to shape their destiny and forge a path toward a brighter tomorrow. The UDM emerges as a harbinger of optimism amidst the prevailing uncertainty—a political entity steadfastly committed to bridging the chasm between the governed and the governing. We pledge to usher in an era characterized by a restoration of power to the grassroots, ensuring that the voices of ordinary citizens resonate within the hallowed halls of governance.
In embracing the ethos of genuine democracy, the time has come for South Africans to reclaim their agency and assert their sovereign right to self-determination. With the UDM assuming the mantle of leadership, we envisage a future wherein the tenets of accountability, transparency, and ethical governance serve as the guiding principles of our nation’s trajectory.
As we embark on this odyssey toward a more equitable and just society, let us unite in our shared aspiration for meaningful change. Together, we possess the collective resolve to fashion a South Africa where the aspirations of its people take precedence, and where the promise of democracy is translated into tangible realities.
Issued on behalf of the United Democratic Movement by:
Mr Yongama Zigebe
UDM Secretary General