Statement by Thandi Nontenja, UDEMWO Secretary General

The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) is disgusted by, yet another report of a teacher accused of sexual abuse of a learner by a teacher, this time a 17-year-old Grade 12 learner allegedly by a 27-year-old teacher at Hentie Cilliers Hoërskool in Virginia.

In October 2023, the Department of Basic Education had announced that it had fired 36 teachers for raping, sexually abusing and impregnating learners across the country, following investigations and disciplinary action by the South African Council for Educators (SACE). UDEMWO echoes SACE’s concerns about the increase in the number of misconduct cases against teachers; the council had removed a total of 19 educators from the roll in 2021/2022 in comparison to 2022/23, when the council removed a total of 36 educators from the roll.

UDEMWO wholeheartedly agrees with our motherbody, the United Democratic Movement (UDM) that, it is vital that schools are safe places of discipline, order, neatness and productivity. The UDM believes that crime, especially sexual harassment and abuse, at schools should receive zero-tolerance. Offenders must be removed from institutions of learning and punished with the full might of the law.

We furthermore want to add that the justice system in South Africa favour the perpetrators of crime and not the innocent victims. Suspected criminals are let loose on a pittance of bail, only to reoffend, intimidate their victims and commit other crimes whilst out on bail. This must stop!

UDEMWO fully supports the UDM in their quest to make South Africa a safer place for our people and agrees with its manifesto stance that there must be enhanced coordination between the ministries of justice, police, correctional services, defence and national intelligence.

We support the UDM policy that it is necessary to establish a Crime Prevention Ministry to bring these departments under one umbrella. In order to achieve the goal of a safe society specific objectives and deadlines will be set for these departments.

Issued by:
Ms Thandi Nontenja
UDEMWO Secretary General