Mr HB Holomisa, MP to ask the Minister of Minerals Resources:

In respect of mining operations in North West Province and Limpopo Province:

1)    Were any royalties or future considerations preserved in terms of item 11 (1) or 11 (3) of Schedule II, Transitional Arrangements, of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002;

2)    If so, which are the affected

a)    mines,

b)    traditional communities; and

c)    mineral or mining leases or licences;

3)    Have any of the recipients contemplated in sub-items (1) and (3) informed the Minister of the need to continue to receive the royalties as contemplated in sub-item (5) of item 11;

4)    Have all of the recipients referred to in part 1 complied with the requirements of sub-item 6 (a) and (b) of the Transitional Arrangements and, if not, which recipients have not complied; and

5)    Has the minister determined any terms and conditions as contemplated in sub-item (7) and, if so, what were those terms and conditions.