Mr J S Malema (EFF) to ask the President of the Republic:
Whether his insistence to fight the Public Protector in court, in order to seal bank statements of accounts of persons who contributed to his campaign to be elected as the president of his political organisation, undermines the Government’s fight against rampant corruption; if not, does it not set a precedent for corrupt people to use the courts to seal bank statements with questionable transactions; if so, should he not demonstrate the importance of transparency by allowing the bank statements to show that he has nothing to hide?


Mr BH Holomisa, MP to ask the President:

Mr President:
• The Zondo Commission has revealed how companies like Bosasa, and Edwin Sodi’s Blackhead Consulting, were used to syphon government funds to the pockets of ruling party leaders and/or to the party itself.
• The United Democratic Movement (UDM) recognises that you were not alone in the African National Congress presidential race in 2017. Everyone fundraised.
• In the absence of a list, we cannot rule out the possibility that some of the companies that funded both campaigns of the African National Congress (ANC) presidential candidates, yourself included, had been awarded tenders in the same fashion as were Bosasa and others.
• Would it not be prudent that Parliament appoints an ad hoc committee to scrutinise all campaigns’ finances as part of the fight against government corruption?

Mr BH Holomisa, MP
UDM President