Address by UDM President, Mr BH Holomisa- MP

Master of ceremonies, President of the IFP, Mr Mangosuthu Buthelezi, the leadership of the party, members and supporters

Indeed, none amongst South Africans, people of the continent and the world over, can deny the immerse contribution that this wonderful party has made in the fight for freedom in our life time.
You have made a great contribution to bring the kind of South Africa we all celebrate today, notwithstanding the fact that we still have a long way to go, collectively.

Off cause the freedom you fought for is not yet felt and enjoyed by all citizens of the country including the members and supporters of IFP. The period between 1990 and 1994 was not well managed.
Many role players in the fight against apartheid were not given the full role to play. The relationship between the current ruling party and the IFP was not good and this has robbed South Africans of a contribution that would have been made in crafting the developmental programme for the country.

We went into 1994 as divided political parties in our isolated corners and could not learn from those with experience. However, we are happy that your contribution cannot be forgotten.

President Mangosuthu, your decision to form and continue to guide the development and growth of this party was and remains one of the most important ones in the political history of this country. For that, we salute you.

IFP, under your stewardship, has grown significantly and made numerous important contributions in shaping the political direction of our country. Your policy proposals cannot go unnoticed and in many circumstances has helped the country to sustain its democracy over the last 21 years.

Your fatherly and high moral guidance in Parliament is a source of inspiration, continue to do it.
The United Democratic Movement wishes you, your party, members and supporters a great evening and many more years to come.

Thank you very much for allowing us to be part of history making.

