statement by Roelf Meyer

The new political party to be launched on 27 September will endeavour to designate the problem of civil order as one of the highest priority for South Africa. This would include making our society criminal-hostile to the greatest possible extent, rooting out corruption and fostering national moral regeneration.

In order to achieve these goals, the protection of the integrity of the party and its membership needs to be a top priority. We simply cannot endeavour to occupy the moral high ground and simultaneously harbour potential criminals in our midst. To this end we are formulating a code of conduct for our members and representatives.

It follows that no-one who may be in a position to compromise the integrity of the party by his or her association, should be allowed as members. Anyone with a pending court case against them should, until such time as he or she is acquitted by court, refrain from associating him or herself with the party.

Applying these criteria, it follows that Sifiso Nkabinde and Lucas Mangope will not be in a position to join the new party until such time as their pending court cases have run their respective courses.