Media Statement by Mr Yongama Zigebe, Secretary General of the United Democratic Movement

On 27 April, South Africans celebrate the journey to freedom and democracy, marking a pivotal moment in our nation’s history. It signifies our collective effort to overcome divisions and build a future based on unity, peace, and the restoration of human dignity. This day serves as a reminder of our commitment to moving beyond a painful past towards a shared and inclusive future.

In 2024, we mark the 30th anniversary of significant milestones in our nation’s history, including political emancipation, judicial independence, media freedom, and the right to associate and worship freely. However, despite these achievements, many of our citizens, particularly the majority of black South Africans, still face economic exclusion due to poverty and unemployment. Moreover, the country grapples with critical challenges such as a deteriorating water infrastructure and energy crises, which have adverse effects on the economy as a whole.

Thirty years later, Project South Africa finds itself in ever increasing jeopardy, navigating the Slippery Slope of decline, with the blame falling on squarely on the shoulders of the African National Congress (ANC) of today. One can only wonder what visionaries like the Mandelas, Sisulus, and Tambos of the past would say about the current state of the ANC. Would they condone its decline, despite the current crop of leaders’ relentless efforts to reclaim moral authority?

The upcoming elections on 29 May carry significant symbolism. Change looms on the horizon for South Africa’s democracy and one-party dominance will hopefully be a thing of the past. The United Democratic Movement contends that an increasing number of South Africans have come to realize that the ANC has departed from its roots as a liberation movement. It has abandoned its original agenda of uplifting all South Africans and addressing the historical backlogs and imbalances.

While expressing hope for the future, the UDM acknowledges the indomitable spirit of our nation. Despite challenges, we have navigated a bloodless revolution and achieved peace among people of all races. With a robust Constitution lauded globally, the task at hand is to realign Project South Africa. The UDM believes this can be achieved through an enlightened and ready electorate.

The UDM calls on all South African voters to come out on 29 May and make their voices heard. With every right we have concomitant responsibilities, one of them being to express ourselves at the polling booth.

If we desire change, we must vote for real change. The time for change in our young democracy, relative to established democracies around the world, is now, thirty years after we first cast our ballots as a free South Africa.

The UDM believes that we are the alternative to vote for; our track record has consistently focused on the ethics of good governance and anti-corruption. Our leadership remains tarnish free, and if they are ever found to be acting wrongly, we will act swiftly. Corruption destroys our freedom; Vote UDM on 29 May 2024.