Check against delivery
Honourable Members
There is no doubt that we have the worst speaker in the history of the new South Africa. A presiding officer that refuses to listen to the political parties mandated to be here by the people of this county.
But, let me address the matter before us today; it does not matter who the cabinet members of the country are, if they come from the ANC (African National Congress) we are doomed as a nation.
The evidence shows that the ANC has stolen state resources, which should have been utilised for the socio-economic development of South Africa and her people. Institutionalised corruption makes a laughingstock of our constitutional principles, and it is tantamount to human rights abuse.
From Sarafina 2, through to the Arms Deal, Chancellor House, Guptagate, Transnet, Prasa, Eskom, SASSA, VBS, PIC, and, probably the most despicable of all, the Covid-19 relief corruption. Most recently, the Shell-linked Batho Batho Trust, gave R15 million to the ANC.
This corruption happened under the watch of the ruling tripartite alliance’s Executive and its MPs (Members of Parliament). No wonder people are resorting to the street and the unemployment rate is through the roof.
The ruling alliance’s policies have ensured freedom only for their cadres, thereby undermining the rich human resources this country is endowed with.
The ANC, through investment companies, have been the champions of state capture.
Even the President has confirmed that the ANC is Accused Number One, and that the party abused government funds.
The President’s view is confirmed by the Zondo Commission that the Comrades in Corruption raked in millions. Even state intelligence funds were raided.
Today we complaint that there is no intelligence in the country.
The country’s security has, however, become another epidemic that we must be concerned about. Here I include lawlessness, hijackings, porous borders and vandalism of state assets.
The July 2021 mayhem in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng that cost billions in damages and the death of 354 people is, however, most worrying of all. This was the ultimate price to be paid for the ANC’s infighting.
In fact, Professor Sandy Africa’s team identified an unequivocal failure of the country’s police and intelligence services as one of the root causes, but categorically stated that cabinet must take overall responsibility.
The UDM has consulted with our legal advisors to establish the feasibility of bringing a class action suit against the ANC government on behalf of the victims of the July mayhem, and their families.
South African lives matter more than unimplemented economic promises. May all those who lost their lives rest in peace.
You can start packing your bags today or in 2024, because you are an embarrassment to the country.
I thank you.