Mr Jerome Joseph Maake, MP
Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence
Parliament of the Republic of South Africa
PO Box 15
Cape Town

Dear Mr Maake

Damning report on judicial corruption in South Africa purportedly drafted by resigned Director-General for State Security, Thembisile Majola

1. I recently anonymously received the attached 54-page intelligence report purportedly drafted by Ms Thembisile Majola, the recently resigned Director-General of the State Security Agency.

2. It contains, highly shocking and damaging assertions that could affect the local and international integrity and reputation of the South African judiciary and several prominent judges, as well as have implications for the Judicial Conduct Committee and Legal Aid South Africa.

3. Given the length of the report and the detail given therein, it strikes one as having been made of a considered mind and that this information should be deemed of critical national importance.

4. I would therefore request that the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence should establish its veracity with Ms Majola and/or with the Inspector General of Intelligence, and that it considers the content with the seriousness it deserves.

Yours faithfully
Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP
President of the United Democratic Movement