Recent student deaths by poisoning; UDM calls for urgent action to address mental health at schools

2024-05-11T07:43:46+02:00May 11th, 2024|2024 Archive, Higher and Basic Education, Media statements: UDM, Yongama Zigebe, Youth Issues|

Statement by Yongama Zigebe, Secretary General of the United Democratic Movement The United Democratic Movement (UDM) is deeply concerned about [...]

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Burning of the flag is the same as stealing from the people through corruption; in fact, the latter is even worse

2024-05-08T11:39:50+02:00May 8th, 2024|2024 Archive, Arts & Culture, Corruption and clean governance, Media statements: UDM, Yongama Zigebe|

Statement by Yongama Zigebe, Secretary General of the United Democratic Movement The United Democratic Movement (UDM) has taken note of [...]

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More than two weeks into the second school term, yet the Western Cape Department of Education fails to place learners in school

2024-04-26T08:02:37+02:00April 26th, 2024|2024 Archive, Higher and Basic Education, Media statements: UDM, Yongama Zigebe|

Media Statement by Mr Yongama Zigebe, Secretary General of the United Democratic Movement The United Democratic Movement (UDM) has noted [...]

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Free to protest, but why are South Africans burning down the house whilst dodging rubber bullets?

2024-04-23T09:03:51+02:00April 23rd, 2024|2024 Archive, Human rights, Media statements: UDM, Police brutality, Service delivery, Yongama Zigebe|

Opinion Piece by Mr Yongama Zigebe, Secretary General of the United Democratic Movement During the apartheid era, South Africans lacked [...]

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Bantu Holomisa meets and greets Jo’burgers of various walks of life: shocking conditions at Motsoaledi and Nomzamo

2024-04-22T15:51:20+02:00April 22nd, 2024|2024 Archive, 2024 Election Campaign, Democracy and electoral reform, Human rights, Media statements: UDM, Yongama Zigebe|

Media Statement by Mr Yongama Zigebe, Secretary General of the United Democratic Movement United Democratic Movement (UDM) President, Bantu [...]

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Tens of thousands of unemployed teachers and SA doctors; yet our schools and hospitals lack professionals

2024-04-20T00:02:31+02:00April 20th, 2024|Corruption and clean governance, Health, Higher and Basic Education, Job creation, Media statements: UDM, Nqabayomzi Kwankwa|

Media Statement by Mr Nqabayomzi Kwankwa, MP, UDM Deputy President and Chief Whip Recently, Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko, Gauteng's MEC for Health [...]

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