Letter to Public Protector: allegations in regard to a Transnet tugboats tender, the disposal of Viamax and the Public Protector/KPMG forensic investigation

2024-04-17T11:12:09+02:00April 17th, 2024|2024 Archive, Bantu Holomisa, Corruption and clean governance, Open Letters, Public Enterprises, Public Protector, State Capture Inquiry, State Owned Enterprises, Transnet, Transport|

20240417_Replying Affidavit Sharma Advocate Kholeka Gcaleka Public Protector South Africa Private Bag X677 Pretoria 0001 [...]

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SAA Sale to Equity Partner Takatso is nothing less than a fraudulent transaction by a minister to support his former colleagues at treasury and PIC, and throw a javelin for himself

2023-09-05T16:01:07+02:00October 3rd, 2022|2022 Archive, Bantu Holomisa, Home, Public Enterprises|

Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) which are mostly government agencies, usually do not fund privately owned airline businesses and at [...]

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