Statement by Yongama Zigebe, Secretary General of the United Democratic Movement

The United Democratic Movement (UDM) has taken note of the uproar sparked by the Democratic Alliance’s (DA) controversial advertisement featuring the burning of the South African flag.

At the risk of adding fuel to the fire by commenting on it, the UDM supports Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture, Zizi Kodwa, in taking further steps against the DA over their much-criticised burning flag advert.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has apparently added his voice to many criticising the DA’s advert depicting our burning national flag. The African National Congress (ANC) president called the advert “treasonous and unacceptable,” questioning why someone seeking unity in a diverse society would vote for the DA.

That said, Minister Kodwa and President Ramaphosa (therefore the ANC) are acting in the most hypocritical fashion.

The DA should no doubt not have trodden on South Africans by stepping on one of our most beloved symbols… yet the ANC steps on our people in the most egregious manner on a daily basis through corruption and lack of service delivery. There is no difference really, in fact, what the ANC does, is much worse.

The DA might have committed treason symbolically, but by that standard, the ANC commits far worse treasonous deeds by daily raiding the state coffers of money that is supposed to improve the lives of the people of this country.