Statement by Yongama Zigebe, UDM Secretary General

The United Democratic Movement (UDM) extends its congratulations once again to the resilient Class of 2023 for their exceptional achievements in the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations. Out of the 890,000 full-time and part-time candidates who undertook the NSC exams in October and November last year, an impressive 572,983 students successfully passed, reflecting an overall pass rate of 82,9 percent—an increase of just over 2,8 percent compared to the previous year.

However, the UDM is mindful of the challenges that lie ahead for more than 500,000 successful matriculants who may face hurdles in securing funding from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) amidst ongoing corruption scandals.

It is disheartening to note that the dream of pursuing higher education, often seen as a pathway out of poverty, may be jeopardised due to the corruption scandals plaguing NSFAS. The recent increases in registration fees by some universities further compound the difficulties, particularly for learners from disadvantaged families who aspire to break the cycle of poverty.

The UDM calls on the young generation to be aware of the current challenges and to use their collective power to bring about change. It is crucial to register to vote in the upcoming elections and, in doing so, to cast a vote for a government that will prioritise accessible and corruption-free education.

Despite promises of free education by the current regime, Always Nurturing Corruption (ANC), these commitments have dismally failed to materialise. The dreams of many young individuals are deferred due to unfulfilled promises, hindering progress and perpetuating poverty.

The UDM believes that 2024 is an opportunity for commitment, hope, and change. Young people must recognise the power of their vote in shaping the future. The UDM pledges to be a government that does things differently, bridging the gap between the people and the government. An accessible government that listens to the concerns of the electorate and works towards a future where education is a catalyst for prosperity, not a barrier.

In 2024, let your vote be a commitment to hope and change. Vote for the UDM, a party dedicated to making a difference and ensuring a brighter future for all.

Issued by:
Mr Yongama Zigebe
UDM General Secretary