Mr CM Ramaphosa
President of the Republic of South Africa
Private Bag X1000
Dear Mr President
Illegal immigration is forcing South Africans hands
1. The complaints of South Africans regarding illegal immigrants are well documented, it raises their ire, and it is certainly a phenomenon that has been escalating of late.
2. Whilst one might disagree on organisations such as Operation Dudula’s methodology, their concerns are legitimate and the poor socio-economic conditions in the townships and in the rural areas of South Africa drive the people to act in the extreme.
3. Our people’s material needs are not met, joblessness is skyrocketing, and some merely survive by the crumbs of grants – in general our people feel abandoned by government.
4. Municipalities fail to deliver on the most basic of services and money that is meant for development is either squandered through corruption or are not spent due to the lack of capacity.
5. The influx of illegal immigrants puts additional pressure on our already taxed free healthcare system and the South African taxpayer foots the bill not only for healthcare, but all other services provided by government. The hospitality industry appears to be exclusively hiring illegal foreign nationals as they are willing to work below minimum wage, thus robbing South Africans of gainful employment.
6. Our porous borders mean that criminal elements enter the country, and we are facing the scourge of cash-in-transit heists, uninhibited drug distribution, violent robberies, counterfeiting, rampant prostitution and human trafficking.
7. The criminal justice system is unable to handle these problems, which makes our people feel justified in their actions against foreign nationals – legal and illegal.
8. We are a nation to be respected and at the moment we are being held hostage by illegal immigration and this is a powder keg waiting to explode. Sending the police to meet the people and groups who are under pressure from failed government policies is not the answer.
9. The UDM would like to suggest that a multi-party committee be formed, that will meet with and listen to Operation Dudula and other formations’ grievances to find a way forward.
10. We sincerely hope that your office will seriously consider our suggestion to form such a multi-party committee so that peace and our national sovereignty may be protected. This process may necessitate that our neighbouring countries be engaged, especially on issues related to criminality with a view to seek their assistance in tracing preparators – both those entering and those fleeing the country. UN Refugee Agency must also come on board at some stage as we cannot be expected to shoulder the continent’s problems alone.
Yours sincerely
Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP
President of the United Democratic Movement