United Democratic MovementThe United Democratic Movement (UDM), in KwaZulu-Natal, pleads with the Umzinyathi District Municipality, the Water Services Authority responsible for water supply in Msinga Local Municipality, to at least respect the law under which it is established, The Water Services Act. This municipality has displayed unwillingness, pure disregard and arrogance in servicing people of Msinga with water.

The town of Pomeroy in Msinga, was yet again brought to a standstill today (15 October 2019), due to water protests in the area. Water supply is just not there! The District Mayor attributes his municipality failure to theft of diesel for generators to pump water (Isolezwe: 23 September 2019, page 28).

This is in direct contrast to the fact that Umzinyathi District Municipality, two months prior to his statement, had just paid R4, 8million towards generators’ diesel between July and August. Why would the municipality pay so much and still no water two months after? This leaves much to be desired!

The Human Rights Commission is currently engaging this municipality on its deliberate failure to provide Msinga inhabitants with a plan of water provision (KZ1920 / 0310), the complaint referred to it by the UDM on behalf of Msinga Community.

It is shocking that this municipality, in just two months (July and August 2019) had the audacity to spend R1 777 870-00 on security services without following proper processes to award a tender – simply a deviation loophole, despite the fact that the municipality has full-time employed security personnel.

Disrespect of the municipality’s funds earmarked for development projects and service delivery, saw this municipality spending R39 120 on Chicken Licken on one day (08 August 2019), instead of discharging its core functions, that is, of supplying the basic water to the people of Msinga among others. Access to clean water by communities at large is a right.

These rampant spending, are among 58 transactions that were processed on deviations (without following processes), in a matter of two (2) months (July and August 2019).

Accordingly, the UDM in KZN, calls on Mr Hlomuka, the honourables KZN MEC of Cogta and Dr Dlamini-Zuma, Minister of Cogta, to play their part by intervening on this serious and deliberate failure, notwithstanding the fact that the Human Rights Commission is playing its part to ensure that Msinga inhabitants rights to water are enforced. The UDM-KZN also calls upon IFP to recall its scandalous Mayor that is operating against its main principle “TRUST US”. This Mayor does not care about the suffering of MSINGA community.