Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP UDM President

Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP
UDM President

President Ramaphosa must immediately appoint a task team to make sure that the people who were fingered by advocate Terry Motau in his report are held responsible for their misdeeds.

Each and every person must be brought under the search light, especially those in the employ of the Public Investment Corporation. The PIC seems to be sinking deeper and deeper in the quagmire of corruption.

The United Democratic Movement wants to see these people charged and the Asset Forfeiture Unit must not dilly dally and get to work.

Advocate Motau’s report will remain a piece of paper until the President takes direct and urgent action.

The paper trail of the millions of rands that were given to certain individuals must be followed with a view to recoup the money. Each account much be investigated, and this includes money that was allegedly spent on an “ANC gala dinner event”.

The chickens are coming to roost on the Comrades in Corruption!

For further comment:
Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP
UDM President