Ms Thandi Nontenja

The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) is shattered by yet another young life cut short due to abuse. The death of Khensani Maseko is another reminder that the abuse of women and children in this country is very much alive.
It is clear that Maseko, like many other abused and raped women, was dying on the inside while pretending to be fine after her rape ordeal.

The society we are living in has allowed and normalised a rape culture and all sorts of abuse towards women. Our government continues to let women down. Why are the authorities mum on women abuse? How many lives must be lost before swift action is taken? Why are our lives taken for granted or not matter that much?

Many like Maseko do not see a way out of their ordeal and opt to take their lives because the hand of justice continues to favour the culprits.

The month of August has been set aside so that we may celebrate womanhood, and yet our plight, and that of our children, go unheard. How many lives must be lost before the ruling party sees the seriousness of women abuse?
We express our condolences with Khensani’s family and friends. May her soul rest in peace.

Issued by:
Ms Thandi Nontenja
UDEMWO Secretary General