Statement issued by Bongani Msomi – UDM Secretary


The United Democratic Movement (UDM) conveys a message of condolences to the families of the mineworkers who tragically lost lives at Kusasalethu Mine, Carltonville. We pray that those still trapped underground will be brought to surface. The families are not alone in this sad time.

This incident is a reminder of unsafe environment mineworkers are working under.  The latest tragedy is yet another incident that gives clear evidence that mineworkers are not safe while in the line of duty. The UDM is concerned by the growing numbers of the fatalities in the mines.

Mine workers are risking their lives trying to provide food for their families while their lives are in danger. The mining sector is making lot of money and most of these accidents could be avoided provided the Department of Mineral Resources, mining bosses with their stakeholders may put the lives of mineworkers first.

The lives of the workers must not be taken for granted. It is time for government to fulfil the promise of protecting the workers and intervene to curb these fatalities in the mining sector. Mine companies that fail to meet safety requirements must be shut down.

One life lost is too many.
