Statement issued by Bongani Msomi – UDM Secretary General

The United Democratic Movement (UDM) is saddened by the on-going taxi wars that continue to take innocent lives in KwaZulu Natal. The wars have been going on for some time and nothing effective has been done to stop them. Innocent people are being killed.

Taxi operators, taxi associations and security agencies must find ways to resolve these problems of routes. The situation is not acceptable.

The recent shootouts at Nongoma and Mbumbulu claimed lives of four passengers plus two drivers respectively.

UDM calls upon the Minister of Police, Fikile Mbalula and the MEC for Safety and Security in KZN, Mxolisi Kaunda to do all in their power to stop this carnage. The MEC must also come clean and take the nation in his confidence about what he together with his department have done to address the backlog issuing route permits.

Enough is enough.
