Statement issued by Mr Bongani Msomi – UDM Secretary General

United Democratic Movement is saddened by a high number of court cases being thrown out of court due to lack of evidence. This has worsened over the years becoming a norm in the country. We have also noticed the dragging of court cases that are costing the country a lot of money and time. This has dented the justice, prosecution and investigation system leading to many South Africans to lose hope in South African justice.

Recently people all over the world watched Shrien Dewani being acquitted of all charges he was facing including allegations of being the mastermind behind the killing of his wife Anni here in South Africa. Millions of rands were spent in legal battle but he walked free due to lack of evidence before court.

In the latest incident, the country has seen another lack of evidence in court leading to withdrawal of charges against the former Eastern Cape MEC for Social Development Neo Moerane and her ex-husband former Agriculture MEC Max Mamase.

UDM is disappointed by the latest developments in the case which dragged for a very long time and this shows clearly that the ANC government condones the action by criminals. ANC must stop colluding with its official to destroy this beautiful nation.

The two former MEC’s were accused of receiving millions of rands in dirty deals including R15.6-million Khangela land deal near Addo in the Eastern Cape while community is starving. These charges dated back from 2005 when Mamase was still an MEC.

The Eastern Cape province is one of the struggling provinces in South Africa. In most parts the schools and hospitals are in no good condition. The province is under developed with no basic infrastructures such as running water and flushed toilets and the millions could have been used to develop such.

UDM is calling on government to make sure that the money spent is recovered. We are also calling on the National Prosecuting Authority to pull up socks in making sure that prosecution is done in a satisfying manner.

The nation cannot tolerate the way justice is applied that is in favour of criminals. Investigators must also be taken into account when they are not performing their duties.