The United Democratic Movement (UDM) is concerned about the direction this country is taking under the leadership of the ruling party, ANC. Currently, Tshwane is in flames, with disgruntled ANC members are taking to the streets burning tyres and destroying the little that the community has. We condemn, amongst others, the looting of shops, burning of cars, damage to private properties and harming of innocent lives. These reckless acts by the protesters are unacceptable.

The country is at standstill with many violent protests and the ANC with its government are mum. It is high time that citizens realise that the ruling party has never taken community protest serious. We are asking ourselves why they would think they will be taken serious now.

Instead of destroying the little the community has, it is time that you express your anger and frustration through the ballot paper, excising your power by voting for change and change is now.

Statement issued by:
Tshwane Regional Convenor