Mr Paul Mashatile
Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa
Private Bag X1000
Dear Mr Deputy President
Pensions of civil servants and military veterans from the SATBVC states: The President’s instructions
1. In the State of the Nation debate of 14 February 2023 in Parliament in the City Hall I had raised the issue of pensions of civil servants and military veterans from the SATBVC states, after which President Cyril Ramaphosa had indicated in his reply that: “The Honourable Holomisa has raised the issue of the pensions of civil servants and military veterans from the TBVC states. These are indeed issues that need to be considered. The Deputy President heads a task team on benefits for military veterans, which has a workstream on pension. I have asked this task team to provide report on this issue. I have further asked the Minister of Finance to set up a team to look into the pensions for civil servants from the TBVC states.”
2. Upon their invitation, I had on 13 January 2023 addressed the Transkei Defence Force Military Veterans Association on this topic and unpacked some of the issues with the contentious draft Proposed Regulations seeking to regulate pension benefit of the military veterans.
I have attached my speech and the draft regulations, the Transkei Defence Force Military Veterans Association’s letter (dated 22 December 2022)* to Minister of Defence and Military Veterans Thandi Modise, as well as my letter to her and other stakeholders (dated 16 January 2023) to provide context and give you more information on this topic.
3. The purpose of this letter is to approach you with a view to give action the instruction of the President and that a team with representatives of the concerned former SANDF and SATBVC retired military veterans may have an audience with you to get the ball rolling. On their behalf, I herewith request a date for such an audience.
4. For any further information or documentation on this matter, you are welcome to contact me directly.
Yours sincerely
Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP
President of the United Democratic Movement
Copied to: Mr Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa.
Ms Thandi Modise, Minister of Defence and Military Veterans
Mr Vusumuzi Xaba, Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans
Mr Musa Mabesa, Principal Executive Officer of the GEPF
Mr Abel Sithole, Chief Executive Officer of the PIC
Military pensioners’ groups and associations
* Not attached as it contains sensitive and personal information
I would like like to know who were in the department of education then went to South Africa and they didn’t get their pensions for the years their were working in the former Transkie and Ciskie