Mr MC Ramaphosa
President of the Republic of South Africa
Private Bag X1000

Dear Mr President

Matters that have been raised with your office: the plight of South Africa’s creatives in relation to the Copyright Amendment Bill and Performers Rights Amendment Bill as well as the status of the SATBVC pensioners case

1. I extend my gratitude to Dr Gerhard Koornhof, MP and Parliamentary Counsellor for the President, for promptly acknowledging receipt of my letter dated 7 March 2024, which was received on 12 March 2024. Over a month later since the acknowledgement, we continue to await your response to the concerns raised on behalf of the creative community of South Africa, particularly regarding the Copyright Amendment Bill and Performers Rights Amendment Bill in their current form.

2. Additionally, I would like to draw your attention to a letter addressed to you by Ms Balungile Sokhulu, President of the South African Creative Practitioners in Unity (SACPU), dated 8 April 2024. Despite media reports indicating otherwise, it is our understanding that your office has yet to receive this letter. To facilitate your review, we have requested SACPU to provide us with a copy of their letter to you, along with proof of its dispatch. Attached herewith are the letter and the automated responses received from the Presidency. We trust that this clarifies any confusion regarding the receipt of correspondence.

3. Turning to the matter concerning pensioners from South Africa, Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, and Ciskei (SATBVC), there have been ongoing issues with unanswered letters directed to Ms. Phindile Baleni. Regrettably, this matter has been languishing for over a year, remaining stagnant on the desk of Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana.

4. Mr. President, it is disconcerting to observe lapses in the administration and execution of government directives. It is unacceptable for letters to go missing from your mailbox and for ministers to disregard your explicit instructions.

5. I earnestly await your prompt response to both of the aforementioned subjects.

Yours sincerely

Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP
President of the United Democratic Movement