rhinoAddress by Mr BH Holomisa, MP

Honourable Speaker
Honourable Members

The poaching of rhino in South Africa is currently taking its toll on one of the most lucrative sectors, namely heritage tourism.

The destruction of our heritage and unsustainable resource consumption results to lose of employment opportunities.

In terms of statistical evidence, periodically released by various local and global institutions, indications are that we are losing the battle against rhino poaching.

These statistics confirms that it is not well and that we have a national crisis. It further embarrasses the nation when such act of criminality, cruelty against animals and the threat to sustainability of our heritage is done with concurrence of some officials in collaboration with criminals.

The question that we must ask ourselves as people of South Africa, is whether as a country concerned with future economic growth and its heritage, are giving due consideration to the actual economic value of these animals.

It is reported that, involved in these acts is amongst others; South African citizens and one or more neighbouring countries.

Whilst, we commend the department of environmental affairs and all citizens for their efforts in confronting this matter; a further decisive intervention will be for the South African President to engage the Heads of the relevant countries and bring and immediate end to rhino poaching.